How to De-Authorize Your eReader in Adobe Digital Editions

In this post I’ll be giving you step-by-step instructions on how to de-authorize your eReader in Adobe Digital Editions. You might want to do this if you want to change the Adobe ID that you have associated with your device.

In these instructions I’ll be using my BeBook Neo because that is the type of e-Ink eReader that I happen to own at the moment, but the process should work for any E-Ink style eReader device that Adobe supports for authorization. (Just like my post for authorizing your device, this doesn’t apply to Android or iOS — just eReaders.)

Note: This will only work if your device has been authorized with an Adobe ID in the past. If you never did that, these instructions simply won’t do anything.


1. Start with your eReader turned off and disconnected from the computer. Also start with Adobe Digital Editions closed. This will help prevent any issues with ADE recognizing the device.

2. Connect your eReader to your computer with its USB cable.

3. Turn on the eReader.

4. When my BeBook Neo detects that it is plugged into the computer, it asks me if I want to connect to the computer. Tapping ‘NO’ would just allow it to charge. Tapping ‘YES’ lets you transfer files to its memory and perform other functions related to the computer, so tap YES.

5. Open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.

6. On your keyboard, simultaneously press the Ctrl, Shift, and E buttons, and then let go. (ctrl-shift-E). This should give you this prompt:

7. Click the ‘Deauthorize’ button.

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About The eBook Reader

I love reading and I love technology. eBooks are an interesting combination of the two.

5 responses to “How to De-Authorize Your eReader in Adobe Digital Editions”

  1. Isa says :


    today I returned my Koboreader back to the shop and I didn’t know that I have to de-authorize it from Adobe Digital Editions.
    Now, my problem is, that the device is back in the shop but still authorized on my adobe-ID.
    How could I de-authorize it WITHOUT the device?
    In the next week I’m gonna buy the sony prs reader and I hope, that it wont make any problems.
    Because before I transfered my books into the Adobe Digital Editions-Software

    What can I do?


    • The eBook Reader says :

      I’m not sure if I understand. Why would you need to de-authorize it if you’re never going to use it again? You can just authorize your Sony Reader with the same Adobe ID.

      • Isa says :

        Because I returned it to the shop and the next owner/buyer would get the information that he cannot authorize his reader.

        • The eBook Reader says :

          I see. Well, I guess the only thing you could do would be to call the shop and tell them about this. But they probably wipe the memory of returned electronics anyway.

          • Isa says :

            I know – I had returned the memory already before I returned it back to the shop 🙂
            So I think I can’t do anything…. mmhh. ok!! 🙂
            Thank you very much for your help!!

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